Author: Aqua Gardening

Pest Control for Hydroponics and Aquaponics


Aphid Pest Control

What do aphids look like?

Aphids are small (1-4mm) parasitic insects which suck sap from young plant stems, leaf veins and flower buds. A few aphids might not do much harm but many will reduce a plants health to a point where leaves begin to twist and distort. Many aphids clustered on blooms will cause the bloom to not produce fruit. Aphids can also transmit virus diseases such as broad bean wilt. As aphids feed their excrement provides an environment for sooty mould to grow. Aphids can populate very quickly so prompt action is needed upon first signs of infestation.

How to get rid of aphids?

Pest Off is a natural product which is only suitable for hydroponics. Eco Oil is also a natural product and can be used for both hydroponic and aquaponic aphid control. Natural deterrents can be used to varying success; Neem Repel is a product which is only suitable for use in hydroponics.

Spider Mites

Spider Mite Pest Control

What do spider mites look like?

Spider Mites are small (1mm) parasitic insects which suck sap from leaf veins. Because they are so small an infestation is usually noticed by their finely-weaved silk web.  Spider mites can populate quickly so prompt action is needed upon first signs of infestation. Because their lifecycles are so short they can adapt to treatments, alternating treatments may be required over a long treatment period.

Spider mite control

Ozi Magic Terminata is an organic spider mite treatment which is suitable for just hydroponics. eco-oil is also a natural product and can be used for both hydroponics and aquaponics. Natural deterrents can be used to varying success; Neem Repel and Mite-Rid are natural products which are only suitable for use in hydroponics.

White Flies

White Fly Pest Control

What do white flies look like?

White Flies are small (3mm) moth-like parasitic insects which suck sap from leaf veins. They usually shelter on the under sides of older leaves.  Signs of White Fly infestation are wilting and stunting of new shoots, silvering and yellowing of leaves and uneven ripening of fruit. As white flies feed their excrement provides an environment for sooty mould to grow.

Treatment for white flies

Natural treatments for hydroponic use include Pest Off and eco-oil, only eco-oil is safe for use in aquaponics.

Sciarid Fly

Scarid Fly Pest Control

What are sciarid flies?

Sciarid Flies are small (3-5mm) insects. The larvae are legless and translucent with dark, shiny heads. Larvae are usually found the surface layer of the growing medium so they can be difficult to find, although you may see them underneath leaves that are close to the media surface. Plants attacked by sciarid fly larvae are weakened and stunted. Young roots are eaten away. Larvae can mine into cuttings. Feeding damage creates entry points for root diseases such as Pythium. Adult flies have been shown to carry fungal spores.

Sciarid fly control

Scarid 10 is an effective product which is strictly only suitable for use in hydroponics.