Author: Aqua Gardening
Date: 27 October 2023

Get Ready to Master Plant Propagation

Unlock the Art of Successful Plant Propagation

Exciting News! The wait is over—introducing our brand new Propagation Lab, designed to empower you on your journey to becoming a propagation expert. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, our propagation lab is your ultimate destination for mastering the art of propagation.


Selecting the Right Growing Medium- Plugs or Loose Mix? Which is best for hydro and which is better for soil?

Creating an Optimal Environment: Should You Opt for Trays & Domes or Cloners?

Ensuring Adequate Light for Successful Propagation: How and Why It Matters?

Unveiling the Role of Heat Mats

Do You Require Nutrients for Optimal Results?

All the answers you seek can be discovered within our propagation lab - just another stride we take to assist in your enhanced growth!

Embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery with our comprehensive propagation guide.