Bluelab pH Pen - Benefits and Care Instructions
Author: Aqua Gardening
Date: 20 July 2022

Bluelab pH Pen - Benefits and Care Instructions

Why is measuring pH important for growing your plants indoors?

Bluelab pH benefits and care instructions

Healthy growing plants, just like humans, need a balanced diet of appropriate nutrients (food). However, plants can only access these nutrients when the nutrient solution is within a certain pH range.

From a water chemistry perspective, pH (potential Hydrogen) plays a pivotal role in making the nutrients in your solution soluble so that they can be accessed by your plants. That’s why if your growing solution becomes too acidic or too alkaline, the plants won’t be able to get access to the nutrients they need to grow. The temperature of your growing solution is equally important as having a solution that’s too hot or too cold can affect growth rate and structure.

To help your plants thrive, get the fundamentals right by measuring pH and temperature to ensure that these are always in the optimal range.

How to Clean a Bluelab pH Pen

Regular care and maintenance of your Bluelab pH pen is important to ensure accurate readings. Salts and organic oils can build up on the probe blocking the sensors, so if your pH readings seem incorrect, are fluctuating, or you have an error message on your pen, it's likely your probe needs some care and cleaning.

Check and clean your pen once a month for best results.

Bluelab pH pen cleaning and calibration video

Steps to Clean a Bluelab pH Pen

Remove cap

For the Bluelab pH Pen, pull the cap to remove.

Fill a small plastic container with clean tap water.

Add a small amount of Bluelab pH Probe Cleaner or mild detergent to the water.

Gently stir the probe tip in the mixture

Ensure that you don't knock the pen on the side of the container as this might cause damage to the glass probe. Rinse well under fresh running water to remove all traces of detergent.

If the probe requires removal of heavy contamination:

Gently brush around the glassware with a few drops of Bluelab pH Probe Cleaner or mild detergent and a soft toothbrush. Rinse well to remove all traces of detergent.

Calibrate the pH probe

Calibration is required after every clean. Follow the Bluelab pH Pen calibration guide, and place the storage cap back on the probe.

How to Calibrate a Bluelab pH Pen

When to calibrate blue lab pH pen

Calibrating your pH pen or probe will ensure accurate readings. To get the best from your pH Pen, we recommend calibrating once a month.

Calibrating your pH pen or probe is required:

  • Before first use
  • If the calibration reminder has disappeared from the LCD screen (30 days after first calibration)
  • If the pH measurement is different from what you expected
  • After cleaning and hydration
  • After changing the batteries


Note: Bluelab pH products should always be calibrated to 2 points using fresh pH 7 and pH 4 solutions. If your readings will be higher than pH 7, you can use pH 7 and pH 10 solutions.

Steps to Calibrate a Bluelab pH Pen

Make sure your pen or probe is clean and hydrated

Follow the Bluelab pH Probe cleaning guide and Bluelab pH Probe hydration guide before calibration.

Turn the pH pen or probe on

Press “power/hold” button.

Calibrate to pH 7

Place probe tip in fresh Bluelab pH 7.0 Calibration Solution. Wait for reading to stabilise to between pH 6.6 - pH 7.5.

Long press the Cal button on the pen or meter until “CAL” is displayed. Release button. A calibration sequence will start, sequentially flashing "0" across the display. After "0000" stops flashing, the sequence is complete, and “pH7” is displayed.


Rinse pen or probe tip well in clean tap water and shake off excess.

Calibrate to pH 4

Place probe tip in fresh Bluelab pH 4.0 calibration solution. Wait for the reading to stabilise between 3.6 pH - 4.5 pH.

Long press the Cal button until “CAL” is displayed. Release button. A calibration sequence will start, sequentially flashing "0" across the display. After "0000" stops flashing, the sequence is complete, and “pH4” is displayed.

Confirm calibration

A calibration confirmation will be displayed at the bottom of the pen or meter screen to indicate a successful calibration. It will disappear after 30 days to indicate calibration is required.

How to Store a Bluelab pH Pen

Storage solution is used to ensure a pH probe is kept in ideal conditions during storage, while the probe is not in use. Bluelab pH Probe KCl Storage Solution is a storage solution designed specifically for use with Bluelab pH Pens or pH Probes.

For any questions and clarifications, please contact Aqua Gardening customer support.