Global Garden Friends

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It all started one sunny afternoon when Mike (the head honcho) was visiting his mother.  She happened to be working in her garden…and what was the first thing he noticed?  A lot of floppy plants everywhere and how hard his mom seemed to be working to get them to sit upright and keep the chaos somewhat under control.  Right then and there a light bulb sparked for him.  Being a master tinkerer – he knew he had to find her a solution.

He went back to his tinkering workshop and started to play around – he wanted to make sure to cover the most important aspects of plant support in order to help her plants grow with less effort on her part. This included finding a way to maximize sun exposure, allow her plants to grow without obstruction and create a system to bring the ease back into gardening. Low and behold – the Ultimate Plant Cage was born!

Mike has been working as a garden consultant for over 15 years now – luckily, he had a great array of people to test the new Ultimate Plant Cage. So he tested it – over and over…through this testing, he confirmed that plant support can truly change the yields AND the effort required by a gardener.

Once he had the Ultimate Plant Cage perfected, he created the amazing accessory tools to maximize plant growth and support…the offspring included the Ultimate Plant Clips, Ultimate Plant Stakes and Ultimate Trellis Clips.

Now that Mike had these innovative products in hand, he knew he had to create a team that could help him get these products into the hands of these exhausted gardeners around the world!  This team had to be on the same page about doing the most good and being 100% customer oriented.

And voila, Global Garden Friends, Inc was formed! A leadership team of dedicated individuals was gathered together to execute the mission of Global Garden Friends. Which is to provide people worldwide the most earth-friendly and innovative tools that help people to produce more fruits, vegetables and flowers in the most sustainable way possible.

Global Garden Friends went from an idea one afternoon in the garden to now serving indoor and outdoor gardeners all over the world. We look forward to creating more innovative tools in the future – all with the goal of helping people grow more with less effort.

Let the good times grow!

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